It is a simple fact that most nudists are men and therefore most of our readers are male. For men, nudism seems to be easier to adopt. Perhaps it is because our bodies are not "sexualized" by society in the way the female form has always been. Perhaps it is women's fondness for fashion. Whatever the reasons, almost every nudist man will experience difficulty in convincing his wife, girlfriend or female friend to take a step forward and give nudism a try. It might seem like an impossible task, but as a man who has persuaded many of the fairer sex to open their minds to this liberating form of recreation, including my current spouse, perhaps I can offer a little help...
Only once have I dated a woman who was already a nudist before I met her (she volunteered that information our first time out), but our personalities did not mesh, so nothing came of it. The likelihood of meeting a nudist is very slim and the mere fact that she's a nudist should not be the main reason you're attracted to her! You'll likely meet your significant other in the textile world, and she'll likely only have a vague idea of what nudism is about, but if you're right for each other, then there's a pretty good chance you might try out each other's interests for size, but if all she does is accept this side of you, count yourself lucky already!
Firstly, it's generally not a good idea to present yourself as a nudist to anyone you have not known for more than a few days or even weeks. A woman telling a man she's a nudist (as one of my dates did) probably won't be ill received, but I'm afraid the reverse is rarely true. Such are the differences between the sexes! If your lady friend is not well acquainted with nudism, she may find this creepy and not only will you not have a nudist girlfriend -- you might not have a girlfriend, period!
When you truly feel the two of you are comfortable with each other, then you can broach the subject by introducing it as "there's something you should know about me". She probably will be expecting something shocking and be relieved when it turns out you just like to romp around naked! She'll naturally be curious about how you became a nudist, so let her ask you the next question. That will be your cue to explain to her what attracted you to it. I will give you some ideas on how to present your case a little further on, but let me forewarn you that you should not, at this point, suggest that she join you for a nudist experience! Give her every opportunity to make that offer herself. You will have told her about the wonderful world of social nudism and there is a fair chance she'll say "sounds great, could I try it sometime?," Why? because you did not push the agenda. You shared something with her in complete sincerity. Never pressure anybody into trying nudism. Nobody likes to be pushed into anything.
Another way to broach the subject is to have a nudist publication strategically placed in your home when she visits. Not front and center, but perhaps in a stack of other magazines. She will come across it and ask you about it. Be casual in your answer and follow the same script as described earlier.
What's the best way to present nudism? As something completely logical and natural. She'll agree with the simple fact that we were all born naked and that it's society that made it shameful. Why should we be ashamed of what we are? Make the point that nudity isn't sexual, that provocative clothing is more sexual than a merely nude person. It may also resonate with her when you confess that ridding yourself of your inhibitions has made you a happier, more relaxed person and that being nude in a social situation becomes completely natural. Let her know that it's easier to make sincere friends in the nudist realm, perhaps because clothing reflects status, whereas when we're nude, we're all equal.
If she expresses interest and wants to see for herself, where should you take her? The worst place is a public clothing optional beach. There's too much of a risk that there will be many clothed people, making her feel self-conscious, not to mention the voyeurs, the new nudist experience killers! I've found that a nude yoga class is a great introduction, mainly because many women relate to yoga and everybody is busy doing exercise so she won't feel their gazes. If no nude yoga class is offered in your area, plan a visit to a reputable family oriented nudist resort, or perhaps an event organized by a local non-landed nudist club, such as a nude aquatics or bowling night! The idea is to show her that normal people get together and do normal things, except that they're all nude and are much more relaxed than "normal" people! It's important that there be a good mix of people, not overwhelmingly male or extremely old, lest she panic! The presence of families and young people will definitely help put her at ease. You might want to do a little homework first before picking a venue! Remember that if her introduction to nudism is positive, there's a better chance that she'll adopt it as her own and future expeditions will be consensual!
What if she reacts with disgust to your confession? Then, my friend, you may have landed a judgmental, non open-minded partner, and you have to ask yourself if this is a relationship worth pursuing? If it is, calmly let her know that you care deeply about her and don't expect her to participate and that you will not let it get in the way. If that is not well received either then I can only say "good riddance".
In my experience, people's prejudices aren't always etched in stone and their opinions may change as your relationship grows, so don't despair if your initial sortie out of the "nudist closet" didn't result in her warming to the idea. One of my girlfriends years ago thought it was outrageous at first, but a few months later she did try nudism and became fanatical! Another former girlfriend had told me that if I got naked on the beach (it was Spain), she would leave. I didn't force the issue. Recently she confided that she was dating another nudist man and she was now comfortable with his public nudity. Somehow I feel that my nonchalance may have had something to do with her eventual acceptance of naturist behavior, albeit with someone else.
In conclusion, be nudism's ambassador, not its dictator! Also, bear in mind that if you are a woman, the same suggestions apply if you wish for your partner to accept and perhaps embrace your nudism!
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